Financing provided by Airlines

Rahmen- and Darlehensverträge BY THE SWISS AND EDELWEISS AIRLINES

When training to become a pilot in Switzerland, you will have the opportunity to get a Rahmen- and Darlehensvertrag with the SWISS and Edelweiss Lufthansa Group airlines already prior to the start of the training. The prerequisite in this case is that you receive, in an additional selection step that is called the “pre-airline fit,” a favorable decision (“board positive”). If you have received such a favorable decision and have concluded your Rahmen- und Darlehensvertrag, you can avail yourself of the funding benefits.

When training to become a pilot in Switzerland, you will have the opportunity to get a Rahmen- und Darlehensvertrag with the SWISS and Edelweiss Lufthansa Group airlines already prior to the start of the training. The prerequisite in this case is that you receive, in an additional selection step that is called the “pre-airline fit,” a favorable decision (“board positive”). If you have received such a favorable decision and have concluded your Rahmen- und Darlehensvertrag, you can avail yourself of the funding benefits.

With an initial investment of CHF 35,000, you can begin your training. As a Swiss citizen, you will receive a federal subsidy pursuant to the Verordnung über die Finanzhilfen für Ausbildungen im Bereich der Luftfahrt (VFAL, Swiss ordinance on financial aid for aviation training) in the amount of CHF 60,000, while as an EU/EFTA citizen the corresponding amount will be CHF 36,000. The remaining costs of CHF 45,000 respectively CHF 69,000 will be deferred by the airline, which means that you can pay them back out of your salary as a pilot after completion of your training, starting in the 3rd year with a monthly payment of CHF 1,000 for 45 months (applicable to Swiss citizens) respectively with a monthly payment of CHF 1,150 for 5 years (applicable to EU/EFTA citizens).

The following conditions apply for training financing with Edelweiss under the corresponding framework and loan agreement:

  • Edelweiss supports the training for all students equally with a financing volume of CHF 80,000 (Swiss citizens and EU/EFTA citizens) (you can also take out a lower loan amount).
  • In addition, you will receive government subsidies of CHF 60,000 (Swiss citizens) or CHF 36,000 (EU/EFTA citizens) (VFAL). Due to the lower state subsidy for EU/EFTA citizens, a personal contribution of CHF 24,000 remains for EU/EFTA citizens, which must be provided as own capital for the training. 
  • The personal contribution is due in two payments: The first payment of CHF 10,000 is due before the training starts, and the second payment of CHF 14,000 is due during the training
  • You can repay the training loan after your training, from the start of your employment with CHF 1,000* per month from your pilot salary.

*The accrued interest will be settled with the final payment. The interest rate is determined annually in January according to the guidelines of the ESTV.



The prerequisite is that you start your training in Switzerland. In the selection process, you can add a third selection step in order to become eligible for the program and to thus receive the preliminary contract.


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